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About the Author

Linda Commito, Author
Linda Commito, Author

Linda Commito, author, speaker, entrepreneur, consultant, and former elementary school teacher, is passionate about her vision to leave this world a kinder, more loving, and interconnected place.  Her award-winning book of inspirational stories, Love is the New Currency, demonstrates how we can each make an extraordinary difference in the lives of others through simple acts of love and kindness.

About the Kindness Starts with Me Project

Ms. Commito, Founder of Kindness Starts With Me,  believes that in order to inspire a kinder world the place to start is with children. She recently helped to create and facilitate a kindness program called “Kindness Starts With Me” at Alta Vista Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida. 500 students made pictures of themselves being kind at home and at school. Many of these kindness profiles were mounted and displayed at Selby Library for over a month and are now hanging on the walls of the lab rooms and hallway as a reminder of the many ways to express kindness.

Currently, Ms. Commito is organizing a campaign to raise funds to print and purchase a “Kindness Starts With Me” book for every child at Alta Vista school and to maintain this website for use by children and their parents, guardians, teachers, and anyone who wants to support children in walking a path of kindness.

Please visit Ms. Commito’s for more information and/or to sign up for an uplifting monthly newsletter.